Powerful features for
powerful creators

Choose a plan that’s right for you

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Ideal for individuals who need quick access to basic features.

20,000+ of PNG & SVG graphics
Access to 100 million stock images
Upload custom icons and fonts
Unlimited Sharing
Upload graphics & video in up to 4k
Unlimited Projects
Instant Access to our design system
Create teams to collaborate on designs

Ideal for individuals who who need advanced features and tools for client work.

20,000+ of PNG & SVG graphics
Access to 100 million stock images
Upload custom icons and fonts
Unlimited Sharing
Upload graphics & video in up to 4k
Unlimited Projects
Upload custom icons and fonts
Upload custom icons and fonts

Ideal for businesses who need personalized services and security for large teams.

20,000+ of PNG & SVG graphics
Access to 100 million stock images
Upload custom icons and fonts
Unlimited Sharing
Upload graphics & video in up to 4k
Unlimited Projects
Instant Access to our design system
Create teams to collaborate on designs
We growing up your business
with personal AI manager.
Waptoz By Centocode @2024